While current center brake lights were an improvement over the old left and right brake light system, most standard brake light systems suffer the same weakness... they do not indicate the level of deceleration.
I would propose that car companies should develop a center brake light which behaves similarly to a "level meter". This level meter would probably have about 10 distinct squares of red light. These squares would be illuminated from left to right and more lights would be lit based on the strength of braking and/or deceleration levels.
For emergency braking, a small strobe would be activated to warn drivers behind that emergency braking is taking place ahead of them. This could minimize the possibilities for pile ups and rear end collisions.
我建议汽车公司应该开发一种中心制动灯,其性能类似于“液位计”。 该液位计可能会有大约10个不同的红光方块。 根据制动和/或减速级别的强度,这些正方形将从左到右被点亮,并且更多的灯光将被点亮。
对于紧急制动,将激活一个小的频闪灯,以警告后面的驾驶员正在紧急制动。 这样可以将堆积和后端碰撞的可能性降到最低。